Cleaning and Maintaining Sheepskin Hides

Maintaining and cleaning sheepskin hides/rugs and rabbit pelts requires gentle care to preserve their softness and appearance. Here's a care guide for both sheepskins and rabbit pelts:

  1. Regular Shake: Take your sheepskin/rabbit pelt outdoors and give it a good shake to remove loose dirt and debris. This should be done weekly or as needed to prevent dirt from settling into the fibers.

  2. Spot Cleaning: If you notice a small stain or spill, act quickly. Blot the area with a clean, damp cloth, but avoid rubbing as it can push the stain deeper into the fibers. Use a mild wool-specific detergent if necessary, following the product's instructions. Rinse with clean water and blot dry.

  3. Deep Cleaning: For more extensive cleaning, you can wash the entire sheepskin/rabbit pelt. Use a mild wool detergent or a mild pet detergent, as harsh chemicals can damage the natural oils in the sheepskin. Hand wash the rug in lukewarm water, gently agitating it. Rinse thoroughly with clean water until all soap is removed. Squeeze out excess water without wringing, and gently reshape the rug. Lay it flat to air dry, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Once dry, fluff the wool fibers with your fingers.

  4. Brushing: Use a soft-bristle brush or a pet brush to maintain the softness and fluffiness of the wool. Brush in the direction of the natural fibers, and do so gently to avoid damaging the sheepskin.

  5. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause fading and drying of the sheepskin. Keep your rug away from direct sunlight or use curtains or blinds to filter the light.

  6. Rotate Your Rug: To ensure even wear, periodically rotate your sheepskin rug so that it wears evenly in all areas.

Cleaning and Maintaining Rabbit Pelts:

  1. Shake and Brush: Like sheepskin rugs, rabbit pelts should be regularly shaken to remove dust and debris. Use a soft-bristle brush to gently fluff the fur and remove any tangles.

  2. Spot Cleaning: Address small stains or spills immediately by blotting with a clean, damp cloth. Use a mild, gentle detergent if necessary, but avoid saturating the pelt. Rinse with clean water and blot dry.

  3. Steam Cleaning: To refresh and clean the entire rabbit pelt, you can use a handheld garment steamer. Hold the steamer at a distance and gently steam the fur, fluffing it with your fingers. Do not get the pelt too wet. This is to suitable for sheepskins as they are too thick.

  4. Avoid Excessive Moisture: Rabbit fur is delicate and can mat if it gets too wet. Avoid submerging the pelt in water or exposing it to excessive moisture.

  5. Storage: Store your rabbit pelts in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and humidity. You can use a breathable garment bag to protect them from dust when not in use.

  6. Rotate and Re-Fluff: Just like sheepskin rugs, periodically rotate and re-fluff your rabbit pelts to ensure even wear.

Remember that both sheepskin and rabbit fur are delicate materials, so gentle care is essential to maintain their softness and appearance. By following these care guidelines, you can enjoy the beauty and comfort of your rugs and pelts for years to come.

If your sheepskin or rabbit pelt gets soaked by rain, it's essential to take immediate action to prevent damage and ensure it dries properly. Here's what you should do:

For Sheepskin Rugs:

  1. Shake Off Excess Water: As soon as you notice that the rug is wet, take it outdoors and gently shake off as much excess water as possible. This will help prevent the rug from becoming overly saturated.

  2. Blot with Towels: Lay the sheepskin rug flat on a clean, dry surface, such as a towel or a clean, dry floor indoors. Use clean, dry towels to gently blot the surface to absorb more moisture. Replace the towels as they become damp.

  3. Air Dry: Once you've removed as much moisture as possible through blotting, allow the rug to air dry naturally indoors. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, heat sources, or use a hairdryer, as excessive heat can damage the leather backing and the wool fibers. Ensure proper ventilation in the room to aid the drying process.

  4. Gently Reshape: As the rug dries, gently reshape it to its original form, fluffing the wool fibers with your fingers. Be patient, as it may take some time for the rug to dry completely.

  5. Brush After Drying: After the rug is completely dry, use a soft-bristle brush to fluff and restore the wool's natural texture.

For Rabbit Pelts:

  1. Shake Off Excess Water: Similar to sheepskin rugs, gently shake the rabbit pelt to remove excess water.

  2. Blot with Towels: Lay the pelt flat on a clean, dry surface, and use clean, dry towels to blot the fur gently. Replace the towels as they become damp.

  3. Air Dry: Allow the rabbit pelt to air dry indoors, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Use a hanger or place it on a rack to ensure proper air circulation. Avoid hanging it by its delicate edges, as this may stretch or damage the fur.

  4. Fluff the Fur: Once the pelt is mostly dry, use your fingers to fluff and separate the fur to restore its natural appearance.

  5. Brush Gently: After the pelt is completely dry, use a soft-bristle brush to gently fluff and restore the fur's texture.

Remember to be patient during the drying process, as both sheepskin and rabbit fur can take some time to dry thoroughly. Avoid using artificial heat sources, as excessive heat can damage the natural fibers. Properly dried fur should regain its softness and appearance without any issues.


If you have any questions or need advice, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
